Why I’m not covering SXSW this year

Why am I not covering SXSW this year? Pick a reason…I have several. 

Every year I get the same anxiety pangs about SXSW. Even more so now that I’m a music blogger.

Yet I haven’t checked out the festival since wayyyyyy back in 2000.

Okay, last year I did catch the free SXSW Cult show, but it’s The Cult and there’s no way I’m missing one of my fave bands. But afterwards I made a speedy retreat away from the teams of hipsters. I can only take so much.

Given this blog, I figured many would wonder why I’m skipping one of the biggest musical events in my back yard?

Plenty of reasons:

  • I have anxiety around large groups of people.
  • I get claustrophobic when I don’t get enough space.
  • I get ADD from all the choices.
  • The price for a badge is insane, and has no guarantee of getting you into a show. And let’s not forget the insulting raffle they began this year, which makes things ever more confusing and harder to get in to your event of choice.
  • I’m old and cranky.
  • I’m a one show kind of guy. Give me a headliner and an opener and I’m good. Then I’m done and ready to decompress at home.

And the ridonkulous traffic/parking in my already overcrowded town is a harrowing proposition for even the most patient Austinite. Doesn’t exactly make me the life of the party when I do finally emerge from my road rage cocoon.

But then; the self-loathing comes in. The regret. The fact that I am missing out on some cool shit.

This year alone, alt-rock icons Depeche Mode, Smashing Pumpkins and Nick Cave (who I recently reviewed) are appearing. So are the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s, The Ocean Blue and The Stooges. But given I saw Iggy and co. in Chicago recently, that helps take the sting out.

And let’s not forget the endless lists of new bands I could be discovering.

As this blog continues to grow in readership, I feel the pressure (maybe 2014) to just give in and get a badge and test my patience with the crazy, overhyped, overcrowded madhouse that is SXSW. But until then, now y’know why I don’t post about it.

And if you are going, please skip giving me the details. I get crazy envious.

But…if you have any clout and can sneak me in to a gig…I’ll justify the traffic/parking insanity.

So, do you think I’m lame for not going to SXSW? Or do you feel the same way? Feel free to comment below.

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