Vote For Best Alternative Rock Drummers

Vote! Pick your choice for the Best Drummers in Alternative Rock.

**UPDATE: Polls are closed! Click here to view the winners.

A few weeks ago I conducted a poll for the best bassists in alternative rock. (click here to see the results.)

It proved so popular, that I thought it would be fun to do the other important part of the rhythm section equation.

A drummer is in many ways, the most important part of the band dynamic. Sure, the vocals and guitar are the most notable elements, but it all turns to mush without the proper rhythmic foundation.

Drummers in alternative rock are notable because of their more esoteric approach to beats. Not always content with basic 4 on the floor time signature approaches, many are open to off-time signature rhythms or exotic instrumentation. Being unafraid to experiment with technology is another hallmark of the alt-rock drummer. Rather than worry about being replaced by technology, many experimented with drum loops and programs to compliment their already formidable musicianship.

So I’ve compiled a list of what are in my opinion, the 20 best drummers of the various alternative rock sub genres, including punk, new-wave, goth and grunge.

In some cases these are former drummers of the respective bands listed, but the band’s truly suffer in their absence.

So let your voice be heard and vote for your favorites! Voting will end this Sunday at midnight.

**UPDATE: Voting has been extended through Midnight Monday 6th. Winners will be announced on the 7th.

And if you feel I’ve made any glaring omissions, feel free to comment with your faves below. I might be inclined to add them to the ballot!

(FYI, pictured in collage are Dave Grohl of Nirvana, QOTSA (who have a new album coming out) and Them Crooked Vultures, Jimmy Chamberlin of Smashing Pumpkins, Stephen Morris of New Order, and Matt Cameron of both Soundgarden and Pearl Jam.)

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Dave Grohl fans might also want to check out my recent review of the Sound City documentary as well as its soundtrack.

You might also want to check out our list of best alternative rock lyricists, as well our list of most underrated guitarists, and most underrated singers.

In addition you can read an interview with Steve Kilbey who made both the bests bassists and lyricists lists by clicking here, and our interview with Tommy Victor who was #1 on our most underrated guitarist list, by clicking here.


5 thoughts on “Vote For Best Alternative Rock Drummers

    1. Funny you mentioned that! I almost put that down as a joke haha! My friend Jason saw Sisters on their last tour, and said that Eldritch was lip-synching and they didn’t even have a bass player! What happened to those guys? Last album was in 1990!

      1. I’ve seen them twice here and once in Vegas! I can’t comment about the lip-synching ‘cos Eldritch was definitely singing live at all three shows. and I’m not really sure about the bass player either. To my knowledge, there were at least two guitar players (they both may switch between bass and regular), the ‘nurse to the doktor’, and Eldritch. However, it’s quite possible that none could be seen – Eldritch insists on thick, heavy smoke the ENTIRE show! No lie! The third time I saw them, some dude kept loudly complaining about it. I’m pretty certain he’d never seen the sisters before! Overall, they played a solid set at all three shows.

        Eldritch is pretty much the against the corporate record label model, which stems from his bad relationship with East West Records and seemingly doesn’t want to take the time to DIY new material. They’ve performed new songs each time I saw them, but none of the material has been published beyond bootlegs.

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