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Twin Peaks to Return in 2016 as Showtime Mini-series

Twin Peaks to Return in 2016 as Showtime Mini-series: David Lynch’s cult classic series to be resurrected as nine-episode Showtime mini-series.

“I’ll see you again in 25 years.” Those were the words of Laura Palmer to Agent Dale Cooper in the series finale of Twin Peaks in 1991. And it seems she was true to her word…well almost. Because director David Lynch and co-creator Mark Frost will be resurrecting the cult favorite in 2016.

The show will return as a nine episode mini-series on the Showtime network. Lynch is planning on directing all 9 eps, with Frost assisting in co-writing the scripts.  The new incarnation of the series will take place present-day, showing the passage of time since the original ‘Twin Peaks‘ ended, but no word on which actors will be returning.

The fact that Showtime will be the series new home, feels perfectly fitting. ‘Twin Peaks’ originally aired on ABC, as Showtime executive VP Gary Levine championed the series when he worked for the aforementioned network.

And given that the series dark subject matter, and weird pacing often caused head scratching among the top ABC brass, Lynch and Frost should be much happier having freer reign for their quirky brand of content.

‘Twin Peaks’, in many respects marked the beginning of the golden age of television that has hallmarked the 21st century. The series film-worthy production value, dream imagery, long narratives and uncompromising content paved the way for series like ‘The Sopranos’, ‘True Detective’ and countless other dramas.

Frost acknowledged the pressure of matching the new series with their previous work in a interview with Variety:

“We can’t rest on our laurels…This show is a kind of thanks to all of the incredibly passionate fans we’ve had over the years that have kept the show alive and passed it down to the next generation…We’re happy for them that the show is coming back.”

Frost also spoke to TVLine, noting that the feature film ‘Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me’ would be acknowledged as canon in the new epsiodes. He also hopes to use the new episode to smooth over the flaws that markes the series second season: “It’s our hope that these episodes will give the fans everything they felt they hadn’t gotten the last time we left off.”

For those wishing to catch-up to speed on the earlier seasons, you can order the awesome, recently released Twin Peaks:The Entire Mystery Blu-ray box set on Amazon below. Showtime will also run marathons of the first two seasons in anticipation of the series return in 2016.

[amazon_image id=”B00KCTG4PO” link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery [Blu-ray][/amazon_image]

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