The Ultimate Alternative Rock Valentine’s Day Playlist

Spice up your romantic evening with the SLIS Alternative Rock Valentine’s Day Playlist; featuring the sweet and sexiest Alt-rock tunes.

Next week is Valentine’s Day, and music snob couples always face a dilemma; how to pick romantic and sensual songs that aren’t cheesy, or so sickeningly sweet/vulgar that it becomes unintentionally humorous and spoils the mood?

Well SLIS has come to the rescue.

I’ve made an iTunes playlist with 56 songs for your Valentine’s soundtrack; from pleasant dinner time background music (or driving music if you’re going out) to naughtier fare for later in the evening.

But wait, there’s more! After you check out this playlist, click here for my list of most Romantic/Sexy Rock Albums.

It covers a wide array of rock, but primarily the alternative vein: new wave, goth, trip-hop, 70’s glam and modern alt/indie tunes are all included.

Some background on a few of my choices:  I couldn’t resist using a song by My Bloody Valentine (check out my review of m b v, their first new album in 21 years!).

<img src="Alternative-Rock-Valentine's-Day-Playlist-".gif" alt="Alternative Rock Valentine's Day Playlist">

And Iggy Pop’s ‘Candy‘ is not only romantic but the title fits in with the holidays focus on sweets. And who can forget The Cure’s  silly romantic classic “The Love Cats”? (be sure to give their underrated love-lorn tune “Treasure” a listen too.).

I also had to include a no-brainer; David Bowie’s new song “Valentine’s Day” (more on his new album here), and I couldn’t resist some cheekiness:  T. Rex’s “Bang a Gong (Get It On)“, QOTSA’s “Make it Witchu“, Garbage’sYou Look So Fine” and  “Laid” by James are just some of the raunchier songs for when the evening winds down.

And some are just pretty instrumentals that capture the mood.

And while some may feel Danzig’s inclusion is bizarre, listen to the song before casting judgment! And he influenced punk and goth so yes, I think he fits under the “alternative” umbrella.

And I have plenty from the king of smooth love tunes, Bryan Ferry and his band Roxy Music, who’ll always be the suavest dude on the mic. (click here to read my review of his brand new album ).

Bryan Ferry
And that just scratches the surface. So feel free to preview and buy any songs that strike your fancy. We get a percentage of all songs sold, so thanks in advance if you choose to buy from our site!

And for those planning weddings, check out my Rock Wedding Playlist.

It has a great list of wistful tunes perfect for the occasion. And for those already married or not ready to make the plunge, it has more tunes perfect for a romantic evening (I didn’t do any repeats between lists).

And be sure to check out the other iTunes playlists I’ve assembled:

Halloween Party Playlist

Rocking Holiday Party Playlist

Alternative Summer Playlist

Best Cover Songs Playlist

Best Rainy Day Playlist

Best B-Sides Playlist

What songs would you add to our Alternative Rock Valentine’s Playlist? Sound off below.

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