The iPod Playlist Of Paul Ryan: It Speaks Volumes

The iPod Playlist Of Paul Ryan: It Speaks Volumes

I didn’t watch Paul Ryan’s speech at the RNC last night. I suffer from acid reflux, and don’t need any extra aggravation. But I read some articles today (here’s one from the Huffington Post), and one line annoyed me more than any partisan jab:

“We’re a full generation apart, Governor Romney and I. And, in some ways, we’re a little different. There are the songs on his iPod, which I’ve heard on the campaign bus and on many hotel elevators,” Ryan said. “He actually urged me to play some of these songs at campaign rallies. I said, I hope it’s not a deal-breaker Mitt, but my playlist starts with AC/DC, and ends with Zeppelin.”

<img src="image.gif" alt="Paul Ryan Ipod"/>
“Evil Empire is my favorite album! Oh the irony!”

Wow, real hip dude. You’re supposed to be “the cool one”? No offense against AC/DC and Led Zeppelin. They’re both musical legends. But time erodes what makes rock bands dangerous. That’s why Elvis’s hip swings seem quaint, and Ozzy Osbourne’s bat head biting seems long forgotten.

Now if Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan had said they listened to them when they were running against each other, when both bands were at the height of their decadence, that would have been newsworthy. But now it’s just way too safe and uninspired.

If Ryan’s courting the youth vote, he’s picking some long in the tooth musicians to get the job done.

 Notice he didn’t say Rage Against The Machine, but he mentioned his admiration for the band not too long ago.
Uh, who does that look like?

You can no find no other anti-establishment, lefty, OWS  supporting group than RATM. I guess somehow he dissociates from the lyrics.

Guitarist Tom Morello, let him know the admiration wasn’t mutual, via a scathing piece in Rolling Stone.

But they’re trying to make Mitt Romney hip too, claiming he listens to the Killers, and playing the Silversun Pickups “Panic Switch” at campaign stumps.  (And boy is that band pissed about that.)

The Killers however said they don’t mind. This isn’t too surprising. Singer Brandon Flowers has made conservative barbs in the past, and given both are Mormon, perhaps there is a bond?

But it’s painfully clear there is a P.R. person making his iPod playlists. No one buys that Mitt is cool. Not even himself.

When George W. Bush was running for reelection, people kept saying they’d rather have a beer with him over John Kerry. Except George is an alcoholic. Faulty criteria there. The iPod playlist seems like an extension of this flawed philosophy.

Lest you think I’m letting Obama off easy, he’s guilty too.  He released his Spotify playlist on Facebook.  He’s got Wilco, Arcade Fire, Al Green and Springsteen. Appeals to hipsters and baby boomers. Calculated, but might be genuine on his part?

But then it lists Montgomery Gentry and Sugarland. Busted!  He hurt his musical cred trying to appeal to a demographic who will never vote for him.

“I’m still cooler!”

Not the first time he’s pulled this. I remember watching his speech in Colorado at the DNC. Afterwards they played Rascal Flatts.I kept thinking someone had changed the channel. WTF?!

In the end, I don’t care what’s on a President’s iPod. I care more about the gray matter in between those ear buds. But if I were to hazard a guess?

Mitt Romney is probably listening to Pink Floyd’s “Money” on repeat.

Paul Ryan dreams of slashing medicare while listening to Blue Oyster Cult’s “Don’t Fear The Reaper”.

And Obama? I hope he’s listening to Springsteen’s “Born In The USA”, and cranking it loud. Followed by Rage Against The Machine’s “Take The Power Back”.

He’s got his flaws, but I can’t deal with Skynet taking the presidency.

So what do you think is really on Paul Ryan’s iPod?  Sound off below. You might also enjoy my piece on Ted Nugent.

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4 thoughts on “The iPod Playlist Of Paul Ryan: It Speaks Volumes

  1. Spot on calling it what is is. PR. I’ll add i that its really ham-fisted lame PR. Who buy’s this shit? Also, its funny how roles have been reversed. Romney is the GOP’s John Kerry. Someone throw a football at the man’s face and snap a photo.

    1. It really annoyed me. And the Rage Against the Machine thing is mind blowing isn’t it? I understand politicians wanting to humanize themselves and voters needing to have an affinity for who they’re voting for. But this forced “coolness” makes them seem even less authentic.

  2. “No one buys that Mitt is cool. Not even himself.”


    And in light of Ryan wanting to do his draconian cutting of Medicare, “Mack the Knife” seems like an appropriate song for him!

    1. So true! I just hate the song and dance (pun intended) for making a candidate seem like “one of the people”. If a candidate was ever truly genuine and forthcoming, I’d welcome it, but it’ll never happen!

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