Beauty in Chaos ‘Finding Beauty in Chaos’ Review

Beauty in Chaos ‘Finding Beauty in Chaos’ Review: guitarist Michael Ciravolo’s new album brings together an intimidating group of guest vocalists and musicians for remarkably consistent début.  ★★★★ Beauty in Chaos’s guitarist and mastermind Michael Ciravolo has amassed connections to some of the most sought-after musicians in the industry thanks to his role as CEO for […]

The Mission ‘Another Fall From Grace’ Review

The Mission ‘Another Fall From Grace’ Review: influential Goth rockers make their finest album since their 80’s heyday. [rating=5] “This album is the lost link between The Sisters Of Mercy’s First And Last And Always and The Mission’s God’s Own Medicine.” That bold statement comes from The Mission’s frontman Wayne Hussey, regarding the band’s new album Another Fall From […]

MGT ‘Volumes’ Review

MGT ‘Volumes’ Review: journeyman guitarist Mark Gemini Thwaite shows off his multi-faceted chops on album featuring notable alt-rock collaborators.  [rating=4] Mark Gemini Thwaite may not be a household name. But if you’re a fan of industrial, Goth and alternative rock, you’ve more than likely heard his work at some point. Over his varied career, the guitarist […]

The Sisters Of Mercy ‘Floodland’ Revisited

The Sisters Of Mercy: ‘Floodland’ Revisited: A look back at The Sisters’ grandiose goth masterpiece on its 30th anniversary.  Note: this post originally appeared in 2013. It has been updated. I recently wrote about why ‘The World’s End’ soundtrack rocks. It prominently features This Corrosion,  a goth staple from The Sisters Of Mercy. Given the renewed […]