27 Best Geek Gifts for Christmas 2012

 The Ultimate Gift Guide for Geeky Gift Goodness…. Looking for the best Geek Gifts for Christmas this year?  Here’s our list of the 27 Best Geek Gifts  of 2012, which any self-respecting nerd would be proud to own. From movie memorabilia to techie gadgets, I have you covered with items itemized by categories of various nerditude. […]

Austin Comic Con 2012 Recap Day 2

 Recap of Day 2 of the 2012 Austin Comic Con. It’s been years since I’ve done a comic book convention so it was fun to check out the 2012 Wizard World’s Austin Comic Con this year. Back in my day, a comic con was just that; just comic books, and the writers and artists behind them. […]