Tyson Meade Talks 25th Anniversary of Chainsaw Kittens Flipped Out in Singapore 

Tyson Meade Talks 25th Anniversary of Chainsaw Kittens Flipped Out in Singapore: a look back at a cult classic 90s alternative gem (featured image photo credit: Dylan Johnson) Norman Oklahoma’s Chainsaw Kittens were the best kept secret of 90s alternative rock. The group, led by theatrical frontman Tyson Meade, crafted an infectious mix of glam, […]

Tyson Meade Announces Live Retrospective

Alternative rock pioneer Tyson Meade is offering fans an intimate gig that will shine a light on his musical history. The singer will revisit his 1990’s output with Defenestration and Chainsaw Kittens in a one night event at Norman, Oklahoma’s The Red Room Event Center on September 24, 2016. Click here for my 2015 interview with […]