SLIS Holiday Gift Guide: Best 2015 Blu-ray and DVD Box Sets

SLIS Holiday Gift Guide: Best 2015 Blu-ray and DVD Box Sets: the must-have home movie and TV special edition X-mas presents. UPDATED: New Cyber Monday deals highlighted in red!! Hello and welcome to the second installment of the 2015 SLIS Holiday Gift Guide (click here for our music box set edition). Here I’ve assembled a list of […]

Glenn Danzig Interview: Housecore, Samhain and a Busy 2015

Glenn Danzig Interview: Housecore, Samhain and a Busy 2015. The veteran rocker discusses his upcoming  HHF set and busy musical plans for next year. Glenn Danzig has a reputation for being a difficult interview, but he was friendly and approachable when I spoke with him about his upcoming Danzig/Samhain performance at Austin’s 2014 Housecore Horror Film Festival. […]

‘The Walking Dead’ Mid-Season finale recap: ‘Made To Suffer’

‘The Walking Dead‘ roars to life in ‘Made To Suffer‘, its mid-season finale. [rating=4]  Oh ‘Walking Dead‘, what a fair-weather show you are. You started off with a bang, but you’ve been wildly uneven ever since. But things have changed these past few episodes of Season 3. When this series ups the action, and forgets […]