The Horrors ‘V’ Review

The Horrors ‘V’ Review [rating=4] The Horrors have evolved more distinctly than perhaps any other 21st century band. They started off as horror punks (2007’s Strange House), then went into mad scientist mode, offering a mix of goth, shoegaze, and Britpop on releases like 2009’s Primary Colours and 2011’s Skying that wowed critics and cultivated a devoted following. […]

The Horrors ‘Luminous’ Review

The Horrors ‘Luminous’ Review: British quintet keep expanding and polishing their retro element into intriguing new shapes. [rating=4] There are few band’s better at mining vintage rock sounds to great effect than British group The Horrors. Each album helps to refine their mix of 60’s psychedelia, 70’s krautrock, 80’s new wave/ goth, and 90’s dream […]

Stream New Horrors Album ‘Luminous’

Stream New Horrors Album ‘Luminous’; Listen to ‘Luminous’ in full before it’s May 5th release  After hearing the excellent new singles ‘So Know You Know’ and ‘I See You’ Horrors fans have clamored for a chance to hear more off their new album ‘Luminous.’ And now they’re in luck; the band are streaming the entire […]