Why I’m not covering SXSW this year

Why am I not covering SXSW this year? Pick a reason…I have several.  Every year I get the same anxiety pangs about SXSW. Even more so now that I’m a music blogger. Yet I haven’t checked out the festival since wayyyyyy back in 2000. Okay, last year I did catch the free SXSW Cult show, […]

The Cult SXSW concert review, and why you never forget your 1st band

  Last night The Cult played SXSW and performed for free. Since I live in Austin, I kinda felt like they did it just for me. I am, for the record one of the biggest Cult fans out there. Now I don’t think I’m a fanatic…I don’t travel city to city and own every bootleg […]