Spider-Man Returns To Marvel Studios

Spider-Man Returns To Marvel Studios: it’s for real this time. After weeks of conjecture, the news is now official: the next Spider-Man film will be jointly produced by both Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios. Spider-Man, the linchpin of the Marvel Comic Book universe, has been in cinematic dire straights at the hands of Sony after […]

24 Most Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Moments

Check out our list of the Most Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Moments in all their awkward and offensive glory. In 1954, Psychiatrist Fredric Wertham waged a one man crusade against comic books. His book Seduction Of The Innocent claimed they were a corrupting influence on children. He single-handedly crippled the entire industry. He claimed that Batman […]

12 Best Comic Book Movies Ever Made

12 Best Comic Book Movies Ever Made The cinematic movement that’s took hold of the 21st century (at least for now), for better or worse, is the comic book movie. Super hero films made in decades past were often hampered by the lack of  believable special effects (at least as much as suspension of belief will allow). […]