Jane’s Addiction’s ‘Ritual De Lo Habitual’ Turns 25

Jane’s Addiction’s ‘Ritual De Lo Habitual’ Turns 25: the band’s alt-rock masterpiece re-examined on its 25th anniversary.  This week (August 21st to be exact) marks the 25th anniversary of ‘Ritual De Lo Habitual‘, the second studio album from alternative rock progenitors Jane’s Addiction. While Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ is seen as the album that broke alternative to […]

Jane’s Addiction’s ‘Nothing’s Shocking’ Turns 25

Jane’s Addiction’s Nothing’s Shocking turned 25 years old last week. And boy does that make me feel old. The album came out when I was in high school for God’s sakes. Nothing’s Shocking’s title was a misnomer because the album proved a lightening rod for controversy. It started with the album cover, which featured a sculpture […]