An Interview With Phil Anselmo

 An Interview With Phil Anselmo: Metal Frontman Discusses Upcoming Housecore Horror Film Festival, His Love of Horror, Musical Projects, And More. Phil Anselmo is a man who doesn’t like to sit still. He’s been involved in numerous musical projects since his work with Pantera. And he’s a lifelong horror movie fan. Now his two passions will […]

Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman Dies at 49

Slayer founding member, guitarist and songwriter Jeff Hanneman dead  at 49. Metal fans and musicians the world over were shaken yesterday at the unexpected news that Slayer’s Jeff Hanneman,  died of liver failure at the young age of 49. The news came via a press release from the band: “Slayer is devastated to inform that […]

An Interview with Tommy Victor of Prong

The SLIS Interview with Tommy Victor. Tommy Victor has been busy. Last year saw the release of Prong’s ‘Carved Into Stone‘, one of the band’s best to date (click here for my review). In addition he played on Ministry’s latest album ‘Relapse‘ and is currently touring with Danzig for his 25th Anniversary tour. He’s also […]

The Darkness: Hot Cakes Album Review

The Darkness: Hot Cakes Album Review  *England’s Glam Rock Goofballs  retain their hard rock wit but still can’t top their killer début. [rating=3] [amazon_image id=”B008WHTFL8″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Hot Cakes [Explicit][/amazon_image] Only The Darkness are ridiculous and cheeky enough to call an album “Hot Cakes”. But that’s what makes them so endearing. The Darkness were sorely needed in the early […]

Top 40 Darkest Rock Albums Part 3

  Top 40 Darkest Rock Albums Part 3 Well here we are for the third installment of the darkest rock albums.  Click here to read Part 1 and Click here for Part 2 so you can see what we’ve covered thus far. As always, clicking on the album name in blue will take you to iTunes […]

Top 40 Darkest Rock Albums Part 1

Top 40 Darkest Rock Albums Part 1 I guess it’s the unrelenting summer heat and sunshine that’s making me crave some dark music. Or maybe it’s just because I’m a grumpy soul. But there’s something deeply satisfying in a work of tortured genius; they seem to stick with you more than breezy pop fluff. What […]

The Top 40 Most Underrated Guitarists in Rock Part 3

The Top 40 Most Underrated Guitarists in Rock Part 3 Okay, so now that you’ve read part 1, and part 2, we just have 15 of the most underrated guitarists in rock to go. If you want to own any of their material, just click ontheir album image to take you to Amazon. Off we […]

The 10 Worst Rock Videos Ever Made

  The 10 Worst Rock Videos Ever Made As promised in 20 Bad Rock Songs That I Hate Part 2, here is the companion piece, the Top 10 Worst Rock Videos Ever Made. So now your eyes can share the same misery as your ears. Fun! Music videos are going the way of the Dodo […]

20 bad rock songs that I hate

  20 bad rock songs that I hate: I find it so interesting how music is so subjective. How is it that a song can be loved by as many people as it disgusts? Why are our ears so differently attuned as to what’s bad and good? I’d love to see some sort of scientific […]

Prong Carved Into Stone Review

Prong Carved Into Stone Review: [rating=5] It’s been almost 6 years since we last heard from Prong. Guest duties in Ministry and Danzig have preoccupied frontman and lead guitarist Tommy Victor and sidelined his labor of love, but now they return with their new album ‘Carved Into Stone’ (out April 24th on Steamhammer/SPV Records). I’m […]