SLIS’s 16 Best Rock Songs of 2016

SLIS’s 16 Best Rock Songs of 2016: the greatest songs got us through a tragic, brutal and bewildering year. Last week we released our list of the best albums of 2016: the discs that soothed and excited us during a very stressful year. But we can’t leave out best rock songs either. The individual sonic […]

SLIS’s 16 Best Albums of 2016

SLIS’s 16 Best Albums of 2016: The best alternative, metal, and electronic releases of a brutal year. Good grief 2016 may go down in history as one of the most depressing and exhausting years ever. It was politically soul-sucking, full of heartbreak, including a ton of musical greats who we lost along the way. Luckily, […]

Curve’s Dean Garcia Talks S T F U Album ‘What We Want’

Curve’s Dean Garcia Talks S  T  F  U Album ‘What We Want’: alt-rock pioneer discusses new project with Bloody Knives’ Preston Maddox in our exclusive interview.  One of the most welcome musical surprises of 2016, What We Want is the stellar début album from S T F U, featuring vocalist Preston Maddox (Bloody Knives) and […]

STFU ‘What We Want’ Review

STFU ‘What We Want’ Review: new electronica act featuring Curve’s Dean Garcia and Bloody Knives’ Preston Maddox. [rating=4] Arriving just in time to beat the summer heat, STFU’s What We Want (due July 29th on ELaB Records) is a dusky, chill-inducing delight. The début album featuring the duo of  Bloody Knives vocalist Preston Maddox and the multi-instrumentalist Dean Garcia […]

Leo Abrahams ‘Daylight’ Review

Leo Abrahams ‘Daylight’ Review (Lo Recordings): producer/guitarist fifth album is elegant and sleek electronica featuring contributions from Warpaint’s Stella Mozgawa and ambient music icon Brian Eno. [rating=4] Leo Abrahams isn’t a household name, but fans of alternative, ambient and electronic music have surely heard his work. the producer/guitarist has lent his touch to artists as varied as Pulp, […]

Listen to Thom Yorke’s UK Gold Soundtrack featuring Massive Attack and Elbow

Listen to Thom Yorke’s UK Gold Soundtrack featuring Massive Attack and Elbow: film chronicles British tax evasion scandal.  UK Gold is a controversial film diving into the hot button issue of tax evasion in Great Britain. And it has a vocal advocate: Radiohead’s Thom Yorke, who has scored the project with assistance from Massive Attack’s […]

40 Best Valentine’s Day Albums Part 2

Welcome back to the second (and final) installment of the 40 Best Valentine’s Day Albums Of All Time. Click here to read Part One. So without further ado, here are the top 20 sexiest and most romantic albums ever made, comprised mostly of alternative rock, funk, soul, electronica and jazz. I’ll have essential romantic tracks […]

The Ultimate Rock Wedding Playlist

The Ultimate Rock Wedding Playlist *Before you check out this list, you might want to read my  instructions on how to build your wedding playlist so that you have everything flow smoothly regarding timing out the selections, etc. Are you stuck for ideas and need some rocking song selections to give your wedding festivities a little […]

The Top 40 Most Underrated Singers in Rock Part 2

  The Top 40 Most Underrated Singers in Rock Part 2 Okay, here we are for the 2nd installment of the 40 vocalists that deserve far more credit then they’ve been given by the music industry at large. If you missed part 1, catch up here. I’ll have Youtube links to specific songs highlighted in […]

Why the Mix-Tape will never die

Ah, the Mix-tape: We don’t think much about cassettes anymore. They were inherently a horrible medium for sound quality. Every time you played one you’d get audio loss,  eventually warped sound, or in the worst case, a snapped ribbon of tape meaning one more piece of plastic chucked in the trash, resting in a landfill […]