How James Gandolfini Changed Television Forever

As we reel from the shocking, untimely death of James Gandoflini, let’s celebrate his career and how he changed television forever with his brilliant portrayal of mobster Tony Soprano. The world is still shocked from the passing of James Gandolfini, and the primary reason is for his iconic, brilliant, award-winning performance as Tony Soprano. He […]

Movie Review: ‘Killing Them Softly’

  Review: A listless mess of a mob movie, ‘Killing Them Softly’, kills you with pretentiousness.  [rating=1]   ‘Killing Them Softly‘ reunites actor Brad Pitt with director Andrew Dominik, who previously worked together on ‘The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.’ ‘Softly’,  (an adaptation of George V. Higgins 1974 novel ‘Cogan’s Trade‘ ), concerns hitman […]