Why X-Men Days Of Future Past Is A Game Changer For Comic Book Movies

Why X Men Days Of Future Past Is A Game Changer For Comic Book Movies; the latest X-Men movie introduces comic book ‘retconning’ to moviemaking. SPOILER ALERT: Do NOT read until after you’ve watched X-Men Days Of Future Past! You’ve been warned. “Everything that happens now, is in your hands.” Thus says Professor X to Mystique […]

‘The Wolverine’ Movie Review

‘The Wolverine’  Movie Review: Marvel’s favorite mutant gets back on the right path, even if it’s bumpy at times. [rating=3] Hugh Jackman has the dubious distinction of playing a cinematic superhero for longer than any other actor. His character Wolverine, has had a charmed box office life, but critically it’s been mixed. X-2 remains one […]