Albums Revisited: The Sisters of Mercy’s Vision Thing Turns 25

Albums Revisited: Cigarettes, Shades and Skin: The Sister’s of Mercy’s Vision Thing at 25 By: Peter Marks The American album. That’s what they called it in the press when it hit the streets on October 22 1990. Bigger production values, grittier topics and naturally those riffs… oh the grief this band endured for using a […]

The Sisters Of Mercy ‘Floodland’ Revisited

The Sisters Of Mercy: ‘Floodland’ Revisited: A look back at The Sisters’ grandiose goth masterpiece on its 30th anniversary.  Note: this post originally appeared in 2013. It has been updated. I recently wrote about why ‘The World’s End’ soundtrack rocks. It prominently features This Corrosion,  a goth staple from The Sisters Of Mercy. Given the renewed […]