Book Review: DC Comics’ ‘Color Me Powerful’ and ‘Awesome Activities for Super Heroes’

Book Review: DC Comics’ ‘Color Me Powerful’ and ‘Awesome Activities for Super Heroes’: Downtown Bookworks is back with two more excellent kids books based off classic D.C. Comics characters. [rating=5] With the holidays fast approaching, parents are feverishly looking for great gift ideas for kids. And for those with little superheroes-in-the-making Downtown Bookworks  has you covered […]

RIP Adam West: Thanks For Making My Childhood Awesome

RIP Adam West: Thanks For Making My Childhood Awesome: Adam West’s portrayal of Batman helped shape my childhood. I know I’m not alone. Adam West passed away today at the age of 88. And with that, yet another iconic, indispensable piece of my childhood is gone. West is synonymous, of course, with playing Batman on the camp […]

Book Review: The Official DC Super Hero Joke Book

Book Review: The Official DC Super Hero Joke Book: Downtown Bookworks humorous collection will appeal to DC Comics fans of all generations.  [rating=5] How did Aquaman ask out Mera on their first date? “Water you doing Friday night?” What happened when Batman was late to play baseball with Robin? There was a Wayne delay. If […]

Book Review: DC Super Heroes: The Big Book of Girl Power

Book Review: DC Super Heroes: The Big Book of Girl Power–new children’s book celebrates the women of DC Comics The female superheroes of DC Comics have been front and center in a big way lately: Wonder Woman is now a U.N. Ambassador, and her new movie (featuring Gal Gadot) debuts next year. Supergirl is flying […]

DC Comics: ‘My First Book of Super-Villains’ Review

DC Comics: ‘My First Book of Super-Villains’ Review: with ‘Suicide Squad’ ready to storm cinemas, here’s a more kid friendly alternative which offers life-lessons through DC’s most iconic heroes and villains.  [rating=5] As a new father to a baby girl, I feel a strong paternal inclination to do two things: (1) to teach her right from […]

Suicide Squad Cast Announced: Jared Leto Is The Joker

Suicide Squad Cast Announced: Jared Leto To Play Joker: Warner Bros. readies comic-book supervillian title. Today Warner Bros. announced the cast of their upcoming Suicide Squad film, and it has largely conformed to the casting rumors that have circled on the internet as of late. For those unaware, the Suicide Squad is a DC Comics […]

24 Most Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Moments

Check out our list of the Most Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Moments in all their awkward and offensive glory. In 1954, Psychiatrist Fredric Wertham waged a one man crusade against comic books. His book Seduction Of The Innocent claimed they were a corrupting influence on children. He single-handedly crippled the entire industry. He claimed that Batman […]

Movie Review: ‘Man Of Steel’

Movie Review: Alternately thrilling and frustrating, ‘Man Of Steel’ makes a case for a  Superman in the 21st century. [rating=3] Upon first hearing that Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan were doing a Superman reboot, I wondered if they would compliment each other, or feed off each other’s excessive traits, and the movie would suffer for it. […]

My Justice League Movie Dream Cast

With Man of Steel a hit, a JLA film looks likely. Here’s My Justice League Movie Dream Cast.   With Man of Steel’s  big  box-office weekend, it looks likes a Justice League movie is finally a go, giving DC Comics a chance to face off cinematically against  Marvel’s The Avengers. **Click here for My Man of Steel […]

Why The World Still Needs Superman

Why The World Still Needs Superman, perhaps more than ever before. When it was announced there was going to be yet another Superman movie, public response was muted. Superman Returns was a bland non-starter, and DC has had trouble getting superhero movies off the ground (with the exception of Christopher Nolan’s films). And when it was confirmed that […]