Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review-Superhero Conspiracy Movie

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review-Superhero Conspiracy Movie. Marvel Studios shakes up its formula with Captain America sequel. [rating=5] You can be forgiven for not being overly excited by a Captain America sequel. While the first film remains the most visually and tonally distinctive movie in Marvel Studio’s filmography, it paled in comparison to the […]

24 Most Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Moments

Check out our list of the Most Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Moments in all their awkward and offensive glory. In 1954, Psychiatrist Fredric Wertham waged a one man crusade against comic books. His book Seduction Of The Innocent claimed they were a corrupting influence on children. He single-handedly crippled the entire industry. He claimed that Batman […]

12 Worst Comic Book Movies Ever Made

12 Worst Comic Book Movies Ever Made Just recently I did the Top 12 Best Comic Book Movies Ever Made. But  let’s not forget the Worst Comic Book Movies. When a comic book movie’s good, it makes you feel like a kid. But sadly some are so bad that you begin to worry that you […]

The Avengers Movie Review. My Nerdspective.

    The Avengers Movie Review. My Nerdspective. My Rating [rating=4] “The Avengers”, Marvel Studios big budget gamble, tying 5 other tent pole films,  has finally arrived, and the geekometer for this film is off the charts. When Marvel announced several years back that they were starting their own studio to have more creative control over their […]