SLIS Holiday Gift Guide: Best 2016 Blu-ray and DVD Box Sets


SLIS Holiday Gift Guide: Best 2016 Blu-ray and DVD Box Sets: the best home video releases perfect for holiday presents for the movie and TV geek in your life.

If you have a movie nerd or TV junkie in your life and our looking for some great holiday gift ideas, you’ve come to the right place. Here at SLIS we take our love of films and TV seriously, and have scoured the inter-webs for all the best 2016 releases in horror, sci-fi, action classic film, kids entertainment as well as box sets from the best TV shows past and present.

If you want to preview/buy any items on our list, simply click on the product image to go to Amazon. We get a percentage of each sale from any item that you click on, so thanks in advance if you choose to shop through us–every bit helps to keep this site up and running.

Note: I’ve highlighted in blue the best current deals on Amazon.

Let’s get started:


The Thing [Collector’s Edition] [Blu-ray]

Shout! Factory has knocked all their John Carpenter reissues out of the park and their collector’s edition of The Thing is the best of the bunch, with a batch of new interviews and featurettes , a transfer approved by cinematographer Dean Cundey and two new commentaries.


Invasion Of The Body Snatchers [Collector’s Edition] [Blu-ray]

Another Shout! Factory release of a beloved sci-fi/horror remake about aliens assuming human identities also comes packed with extras and a great HD transfer. Click here for my review.


Don’t Breathe [Blu-ray]

The sleeper horror hit of the year brand new on Blu-ray.

Green Room [Blu-ray + Digital HD]

My favorite horror film of 2016. So underrated! I liked it so much my review made the back of the box! One of the most terrifying things I’ve seen in years.

Only $14.99 on Amazon


The Witch [Blu-ray + Digital HD]

The second creepiest film of 2016.

Only $14.99 on Amazon


Trilogía de Guillermo del Toro (Cronos / The Devil’s Backbone / Pan’s Labyrinth) (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

Criterion approved collection of three of Guillermo del Toro’s best horror films, packed with extras and deluxe packaging.


Carnival of Souls (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

Herk Hervey’s moody horror classic gets a sterling HD transfer and a host of special features.


Cat People (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

Another sterling Criterion release showcases Jacques Tourneur’s influential horror film in all its noir glory. Click here for my Blu-ray review.


Manhunter [Collector’s Edition] [Blu-ray]

Shout! Factory’s reissue of Michael Mann’s Manhunter is spectacular: the film has never looked better and it is overstuffed with wonderful extras that will satiate all neon-noir fans who realize that this is the best Hannibal film of the bunch. Click here for my Blu-ray review.


Rabid [Collector’s Edition] [Blu-ray]

Dead Ringers [Collector’s Edition] [Blu-ray]

Two of David Cronenberg’s body horror films get the deluxe Shout! treatment.


The Return Of The Living Dead [Collector’s Edition] [Blu-ray]


Krampus (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD)

Only $12.96 on Amazon.

Black Christmas [Collector’s Edition] [Blu-ray]

The perfect Christmas gift for horror hounds! Fun fact: director Bob Clark also filmed the more family friendly A Christmas Story!


Phantasm: Remaster [Blu-ray/DVD Combo]

Thank the dark lords! The LONG in the works restored edition of Don Coscarelli’s bonkers horror classic gets a JJ Abrams supervised 4k restoration, plus a host of special features, and boyyyyyyy are we excited about that!


Hellraiser: The Scarlet Box Limited Edition Trilogy [Blu-ray] [Region A]

This handsome box set will tear your soul apart with awesomeness, housed in a handsome carrying case, a 200 page book from Clive Barker, promotion stills, a bonus disc, poster and lots more.



Salem’s Lot (1979) (BD) [Blu-ray]

The classic TV movie based on Stephen King’s terrifying novel gets a killer home video release with a transfer so clean it’s never looked better.


Blood Simple (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

The Coen Brothers stylish début film gets a wonderful release from Criterion packed with extras, including an entertaining chat with the brothers and cinematographer Barry Sonnenfeld. Click here for my Blu-ray review



Bill & Ted’s Most Excellent Collection [Blu-ray]

This twofer set contains both films featuring Gen-X’s favorite dimwitted duo, including a ton of new commentaries, a documentary, behind-the-scenes look at the making fo the soundtracks and much more.


Dr. Strangelove, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

Stanley Kubrick’s black comedy classic gets a superb Criterion reissue packed with special features as well as several “classified documents,” including a behind-the-scenes booklet, an essay on the film and more.

The Nice Guys (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD Ultraviolet Combo Pack)

The action comedy of the year. One of Shane Black’s best. Only $12.99 on Amazon.


James Bond Collection Blu-ray

Ultimate James Bond Collection Blu-ray

Two collections to satisfy 007 diehards: the first contains all the films (including Spectre) but is barebones on special features, while the second, more pricier set has a hosts of extras.


Road House [Collector’s Edition]

One of the best junk food guilty pleasure movie’s gets the Shout! Factory treatment, stuffed with a ton of special features and new HD transfer.


To Live and Die in L.A. (Collector’s Edition) [Blu-ray]

William Friedkin’s underrated 80’s crime film gets the Shout! treatment with a 4k scan, interview and audio commentary with Friedkin, interview with star William Peterson, interview with Wang Chung (who supplied the soundtrack) and gobs more.



Mad Max High Octane Collection [Blu-ray]

Every Mad Max film in one collection, including the recently released Black and Chrome edition of Mad Max Fury Road, along with a ton of special features.


Mad Max: Fury Road /Fury Road Black & Chrome (BD Double Feature) [Blu-ray]

Twofer of Fury Road: the original color version along with the Black and Chrome edition.


Middle-earth Limited Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray + DVD)

An appropriately overstuffed collection of all of Peter Jackson’s Middle-Earth films, from LOTR to the Hobbit. As you can imagine, that means even more extended scenes, along with a ton of special features. Sure its pricey, but this is enough material for one person to watch for years!

Black Friday deal: currently $389.99 (normally $560 on Amazon)


Star Wars: The Force Awakens [3D]

3-D edition of the smash JJ Abrams Star Wars sequel, jam-packed with extras, docs and deluxe packaging.



The Martian: Extended Limited Edition Steelbook (2 Disc Blu Ray + Digital HD)

Brand spanking new extended edition of Ridley Scott’s smash science fiction hit.


It’s the 50th anniversary of Gene Roddenberry’s iconic sci-fi franchise, and there are collectible editions galore:

Star Trek Beyond (BD/DVD/Digital HD Combo) [Blu-ray]

This year’s award for movie way better than it’s meh trailer!

*Currently only $9.99 on Amazon.


Star Trek: The Original Series – The Roddenberry Vault [Blu-ray]

This collectible Blu-ray features 12 of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s favorite episodes of TOS along with a treasure trove of cutting room floor material that has never been shown to the public, along with outtakes, deleted scenes and original FX footage.


Star Trek: Original Motion Picture Collection

All of the Star Trek film series featuring TOS collected in one volume.


Star Trek: The Original Series: The Complete Series [Blu-ray]

All episodes of TOS for under $60!


Star Trek 50th Anniversary TV and Movie Collection [Blu-ray]

Featuring all episodes and films of TOS as well as the animated series, this is the best bang for your Trekkie buck.

*Currently only $137.99 (normally $209) on Amazon.


The Man Who Fell To Earth (Limited Collector’S Edition) [Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD]

This oddball sci-fi masterpiece won’t actually be released until January 2017, but if you’re shopping for a major Bowie fan, they won’t mind the wait for this 3-disc set packed with special features.

Click here for more David Bowie gift ideas with our list of best 2016 Music Box Sets

Labyrinth (30th Anniversary Edition) [Blu-ray]

30th Anniversary edition of Jim Henson and David Bowie’s fantasy classic, housed in one amazing collector’s case.


Superheroes movies reigned at the box office once again. Here’s the best of the bunch.

Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders [Blu-ray]

Holy Revivals Batman! Fans of Adam West’s 67 Batman series are going to flip out over this animated movie featuring the voices of West, Burt Ward, Julie Newmar and more (including William Shatner as Two-Face).

Deadpool Blu-ray

The foul-mouthed Merc with a mouth proved Rated-R superhero movies are just as lucrative as standard-issue PG-13 entries. The Blu-ray release is packed with special features and humorous commentaries.

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War [Blu-ray]

Marvel’s latest smash packed with special features.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition Blu-ray + Theatrical Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD UltraViolet Combo Pack)

Fewer films got beat up on more than BvS this year. Granted, it’s far from perfect, but one look at the Ultimate Edition cut shows a stronger and more cohesive film than the one shown at the multiplexes. Plus its full of fun special features, The DC fanboy still butthurt about the backlash (count me among them) can lick their wounds with this release.

*Currently only $7.99 on Amazon.

Suicide Squad (Extended Cut Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD UltraViolet Combo Pack)

Fewer films got beat up more than Suicide Squad this year…oops, sorry I’m repeating myself. Yes, DC/WB released two blockbusters that got savaged by critics. For my money SS is the weaker film, but I’m very curious to see if this extended cut helps redeem it like BvS’s Ultimate Edition. Please get new editors Warner Bros!


X-men: Apocalypse Blu-ray

Fewer films got beat up more…ok, I’ll shut up. Not the best X-movie, but not the worst. Mutant fans will savor the good parts.


Game of Thrones: The Complete Seasons 1-6 + Digital HD [Blu-ray]

Every season thus far of HBO’s fantasy smash, including featurettes and extras.

The Walking Dead: Season 6 Limited Edition [Blu-ray]

The latest from AMC’s ever popular undead opus.


The X-Files: Complete Series Collector’s Set + The Event Bundle [Blu-ray]

The truth is still out there. Every season of The X-Files…including this year’s half-baked The Event.

*Currently only $119.99 (normally $300!)


Mystery Science Theater 3000: XXXVII

The latest collection from the Satellite of Love to keep you satiated before the series returns next year!



Finding Dory – 3D BD Combo Pack (3D +2BD + DVD + Digital HD) [Blu-ray]

Pixar’s latest blockbuster hit in 3-D/Bd and DVD stocked with special features.


Zootopia [Blu-ray]

My favorite kid’ film this year. Entertaining but with a social message well worth heeding.

The Iron Giant: Signature Edition (BD) [Blu-ray]

Brad Bird’s cult classic, remastered with new scenes and a ton of cool extras including Mondo Art Cards, 32-page booklet, Iron Giant figurine and much more.

Well that wraps up our list of best 2016 Blu-ray and DVD’s! If you’re looking for some music Blu-rays and music box sets, click here for our 2016 best-of music gifts guide. And standby for our list of best Geek Gifts coming next week.

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