Watch New Video For Chelsea Wolfe’s ’16 Psyche’

Watch New Video For Chelsea Wolfe’s ’16 Psyche’: atmospheric vocalists brings doomy bliss for retro music video.  Doom/Shoegaze chanteuse Chelsea Wolfe has just premiered the new video for 16 Psyche, the first single off her upcoming album Hiss Sun (due September 22nd via Sargent House), which you can check out via YouTube below. The video […]

World Destruction: 17 ’80s Songs About Nuclear War

World Destruction: 17 ’80s Songs About Nuclear War: with fears of nuclear war back in fashion, let’s look back at some Reagan-era rockers that helped soothe tensions the first time around.  The latest news have you a bit on edge? It’s understandable-we have two world leaders acting like toddlers, once again raising the plausible event […]

Richard Lynn and Ingebrigt Haker Flaten Talk Sonic Transmissions 2017

Richard Lynn and Ingebrigt Haker Flaten Talk Sonic Transmissions 2017: festival heads discuss adventurous music festival’s 2017 lineup.  Billing itself as “Austin’s Newest, Most Vital Jazz & Experimental Music Festival”, theSonic Transmissions festival is one of the most unusual fests in the state capital, showcasing underground music, often in an improvisational context. The festival, now three […]

J. Yuenger Talks 25th Anniversary of White Zombie’s ‘La Sexorcisto:Devil Music Volume.1’

J. Yuenger Talks 25th Anniversary of White Zombie’s ‘La Sexorcisto:Devil Music Volume.1’: guitarist recalls recording and touring behind band’s breakout album.  March 31st marked the 25th anniversary of White Zombie’s La Sexorcisto:Devil Music Volume.1. It was the album that broke them into the mainstream–a combination of groove metal, industrial and alternative rock saturated with B-movie film quotes and […]

30 Albums Turning 30 in 2017: The Best Albums of 1987

30 Best Albums Turning 30 in 2017:  The Best Albums of 1987–our list of the greatest releases celebrating 30th anniversaries this year.  If you had to choose one year in the Reagan era for the best music, you’d be hard pressed to do better than 1987. Something clicked–the mainstream that had been over saturated with […]

20 Albums Turning 20 in 2017: The Best Alternative Albums of 1997

20 Albums Turning 20 in 2017: the best alternative releases of 1997 The alternative rock landscape had changed by the late 90s. Grunge was pretty much dead, no longer considered a viable commercial option for record labels. Nirvana were over, Soundgarden had split and Alice in Chains were hobbled by Layne Staley’s heroin habit. Pearl […]

The 17 Most Anticipated Rock Albums of 2017

The 17 Most Anticipated Rock Albums of 2017: the albums most likely to get your rocks off this year. After a rocky 2016, we’re off to a fresh start to 2017, but most are expecting an unpredictable, bumpy ride with our current state of affairs. Luckily we’re going to have some badass music to get […]

SLIS’s 16 Best Rock Songs of 2016

SLIS’s 16 Best Rock Songs of 2016: the greatest songs got us through a tragic, brutal and bewildering year. Last week we released our list of the best albums of 2016: the discs that soothed and excited us during a very stressful year. But we can’t leave out best rock songs either. The individual sonic […]

SLIS’s 16 Best Albums of 2016

SLIS’s 16 Best Albums of 2016: The best alternative, metal, and electronic releases of a brutal year. Good grief 2016 may go down in history as one of the most depressing and exhausting years ever. It was politically soul-sucking, full of heartbreak, including a ton of musical greats who we lost along the way. Luckily, […]

SLIS’s 2016 Holiday Gift Guide: Best Geek Gifts

SLIS’s 2016 Holiday Gift Guide: Best Geek Gifts: the best pop culture geek gifts of the year.  **UPDATED with Cyber Monday Deals! The holidays are almost upon us, can you believe it? Are you panicking about figuring out what geek gifts to buy the picky, pop-culture obsessed nerd in your life? Well take a deep […]