My Justice League Movie Dream Cast

With Man of Steel a hit, a JLA film looks likely. Here’s My Justice League Movie Dream Cast.


With Man of Steel’s  big  box-office weekend, it looks likes a Justice League movie is finally a go, giving DC Comics a chance to face off cinematically against  Marvel’s The Avengers.

**Click here for My Man of Steel review.

Man Of Steel Gift With Purchase

So I thought it would be fun to list my dream Justice League cast. Now JLA rosters have changed sporadically over decades, so as well as the mainstays, I’m cherry picking a few of my favorite second tier characters.

So assuming Henry Cavill stays on as Superman, here’s my picks for the rest:

Batman: Michael C. Hall

<img src="Batman-JLA-Fantasy-Cast" alt="Batman-JLA-Fantasy-Cast"/>
I’d love to see Hall embrace his “Dark (Knight) Passenger”

It was rumored Christian Bale would return as Batman for a JLA film, but Man Of Steel/Batman Begins screenwriter David Goyer said that was false. Which makes sense; Nolan’s films don’t allow for the fantastical element of the rest of the DC universe.

I’d love to see Dexter’s Michael C Hall take a stab (pun intended) at the part. One of the reasons Bale was cast was for his performance as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, proving he could play a man hiding his dark secret.

Hall’s also been playing a man concealing his dark passenger identity from those around him, so he could totally do a  Bruce Wayne/Batman dichotomy.

And for those who’d  bitch about a red-head playing Wayne, there’s always hair dye…

The Dream is dead; Ben Affleck is Batman!

And Click here for the recently announced Superman/Batman movie, which will feature Affleck. 

The Flash: Ryan Gosling

<img src="Flash-Gosling-JLA-Fantasy-Cast" alt="Flash-Gosling-JLA-Fantasy-Cast"/>

Hiring Gosling would help cement the female demographic, which sometimes eludes comic book movies. The fact that he’s the spitting image of Flash alter ego Barry Allen seals the deal.


Green Lantern: Idris Elba

<img src="Idris-Elba-John-StewartJLA-Fantasy-Cast" alt="Idris-Elba-GL-JLA-Fantasy-Cast"/>

After the Green Lantern flop, I’m sure WB execs are vexed about how to proceed with the character. So why not start from scratch and act like it never happened ?

How about alternate Green Lantern John Stewart?  Idris Elba is well versed in superhero and sci-fi movies between Thor, Prometheus and Pacific Rim, and could pull off the character.


Wonder Woman: Lena Headley or Emilia Clarke


Headley is fearsome playing villains or heroines, and well versed in playing royalty. So she’s perfect for Wonder Woman. The only issue is she’s pushing 40, so another choice would be younger Game of Thrones  cast-mate Emilia Clarke, who also knows how to play regal and tough.

<img src="Emilia-Clarke-Wonder-Woman" alt="Emilia Clarke Wonder Woman"/>

Entertainment Earth


Leonardo DiCaprio: Aquaman

<img src="DiCaprio-Aquaman-JLA-Fantasy-Cast" alt="DiCaprio Aquaman JLA Fantasy Cast"/>

Aquaman is often considered a lame superhero, but he can be done right. DiCaprio could make a convincing King of Atlantis.


 Zachary Quinto or Matthew Rhys: Martian Manhunter

<img src="Martian-Manhunter-JLA-fantasy-cast" alt="Martian-Manhunter JLA Fantasy Cast"/>

J’onn J’onzz (gotta love those crazy apostrophes!) is an alien awkwardly learning to adjust to Earth life. Quinto could easily grasp this concept after playing half alien/half-human Spock. And if that’s too obvious, Rhys has proven how adept he is at playing a covert Russian spy in The Americans, which works well as Martian Manhunter assumes a human guise to remain undetected

So those are the main players. Here are my picks for some characters that likely wouldn’t show up until a sequel:

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau: Green Arrow

<img src="Green-Arrow-JLA-fantasy-cast" alt="Green Arrow JLA Fantasy Cast"/>
He’s gonna need that hand back…

No I’m not casting the douche from Arrow. I want a guy who can play a great wise-ass while mastering medieval weaponry. The man who plays GOT’s Jaime Lannister would be perfect.


Sam Rockwell: The Atom

<img src="Atom-Sam-Rockwell-JLA-fantasy-cast" alt="Atom Sam Rockwell JLA Fantasy Cast"/>

The superhero with the power of shrinkability is a likable smartass scientific genius. Rockwell would be perfect.


Jennifer Lawrence: Black Canary

<img src="Jennifer-Lawrence-Black-Canary-JLA-fantasy-cast" alt="Jennifer Lawrence Black Canary JLA Fantasy Cast"/>

A feisty martial arts expert with a sonic scream would fit an actress familiar with superhero movies.


Jason Mamoa and Kerri Russell: Hawkman and Hawkwoman


I have no idea if Mamoa can really act given his lack of dialogue in Game of Thrones, and awful dialogue in Conan. But he could pull off the costume and warrior aspect. Russell has proven she can kick ass in The Americans and could prove a worthy ally/spouse.


Mark Strong or Damien Lewis as Red Tornado

<img src="Justice-League-movie-fantasy-cast" alt="Justice League Movie Fantasy Cast"/>

If WB keeps Green Lantern as is, then Strong could return as arch-villain Sinestro (or even Lex Luthor, if that part hasn’t been cast yet), but if not, he could pull off android Red Tornado. Or, Damien Lewis could bring his haunted shell performance from Homeland as the alienated robot.


Jim Carrey: Plastic Man

<img src="Jim-Carrey-Plastic-Man-JLA-fantasy-cast" alt="Jim Carrey Plastic Man JLA Fantasy Cast"/>

Carrey needs a comeback and this role would suit him perfectly. He was already rumored to play Plastic Man in an aborted movie. But DC movies are more somber than Marvel’s, and Plastic Man is kind of a douche, so perhaps we’re better off without him.

So that’s my cast! I’d like to add that I’d prefer multiple villains, and not a threat devoid of personality like Starro:

<img src="JLA-Dream-Cast" alt="JLA Dream Cast"/>
Fighting a giant Starfish. Weak.

Now The Legion Of Doom would be perfect. And I’d love to see Benedict Cumberbatch as The Joker.

"Justice League" portrait by Alex Ross
“Justice League” portrait by Alex Ross

So, what’s your dream JLA movie cast? Chime in below.

In the meantime, check out my posts on Why The World Still Needs Superman, Why Batman Is The Best Superhero Ever, and the Best Comic Book Movies Ever Made.