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Horror Remix: ‘Love’-Review

Adore terrible Horror Movies? Then you’ll fall for Horror Remix’s Valentine Themed ‘Love’.


Last night my wife and I went to the Alamo Drafthouse to check out Horror Remix: ‘Love’.

We make this a regular occurrence; Horror Remix does a late night show once a month in North Austin (it plays across the country, check their site for showtimes/locations) . It’s usually variations on a theme; sub-genres like evil animals, or holiday themed slasher pics. Click here for an interview with series creator E.J. Antilla.

This one was all about Valentine’s Day, so it made for a date night that hardcore horror geeks can appreciate. (We also initiated a friend of ours and he was blind-sided by the amazing awful assault that is the remix’s specialty).

I love nothing more than a Best-Worst-Movie (check out our list of the 30 all-time best/worst), and while I’ve seen a ton, I’ve been exposed to several new megaturds courtesy of the remix that are astounding in their piss-poor execution.

For those who aren’t familiar with the concept, here’s the Horror Remix formula:

Of the four films showcased, ‘Killing Spree‘ takes the WTF award . It’s shot on videotape and so wretchedly executed that it’s surreal. It was clearly the work of some misguided aspiring filmmakers.

Haunting Fear’ adapts Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Premature Burial‘ and should have been prematurely buried instead of released. It’s the least terrifying movie about being buried alive that you’ll ever see.

Also included was the breast-obsessed Russ Myer opus ‘Supervixens.’ But Meyer’s work isn’t horror, and his 60’s, campy vibe clashes with the remix aesthetic. Love or hate his stuff, he knows how to cut a film. And the scene used was particularly brutal, and not the playful kind of gore that brings a chuckle. The audience wasn’t feeling it.

The last film showcased was (unsurprisingly) ‘My Bloody Valentine‘ (speaking of, check out my review of ‘M B V‘, the new album by the band of the same name).

This film resides in the fairly blasé file of slasher horror. It’s not good, but not over-the-top awful either.

But Cheesecake and Thunderclap (the puppet MC’s) did make some great repartee about it after its conclusion.

The series always ends with ‘Leftover Meat‘, which compiles short clips of other horror movies.

If you’re a fan of charmingly inept lowbrow horror, then you owe it to yourself to check out Horror Remix. Visit their site for national show listings. It makes for a great night out (and cheap, at the Alamo Drafthouse all you need to attend is a $5 food voucher’).

And here’s a preview of ‘Love‘ on YouTube:

For lovers of terrible entertainment, you might also enjoy our list of Worst Holiday Movies and Weirdest Kids Shows of The 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

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