Episode 16: John Christ Talks Danzig Debut Album’s 30th Anniversary And More-SLIS Podcast



Episode 16: John Christ Talks Danzig Debut Album’s 30th Anniversary, Current Projects and More-SLIS Podcast: guitarist gives the behind-the-scenes story behind their landmark album, teaching music at Peabody Prep, giving private guitar lessons, and the possibility of playing with Danzig again in our exclusive interview.

John Christ’s dark, bluesy riffs and solos were one of the most integral components of Danzig’s first four albums. As part of the original lineup, which also featured bassist Eerie Von and Chuck Biscuits, Christ (whose real name is John Knoll) contributed to classic songs including Twist Of Cain, She Rides and Mother, all of which were featured on their Rick Rubin produced 1988 self-titled début.

While frontman Glenn Danzig soldiers on with a backing band including the likes of Tommy Victor, Johnny Kelly and Samhain bassist Steve Zing, he wouldn’t have made the transition from underground punk hero to metal icon without Christ’s contributions.

Click here for my 2014 interview with Glenn Danzig 

Danzig’s self-titled début turned 30 on August 31, and I thought it would be fun to pick Christ’s brain about the creative process behind its recording, how he joined the band (back when they were known as Samhain), and his current projects, which includes teaching the Rock and Contemporary Music Course at Peabody Prep and giving private guitar lessons.

He also discussed the possibility of playing with Glenn Danzig again, and much more.

Christ gave plenty of lively responses in this interview, and and offers a vivid portrait of his musical career, making this a must-listen for any diehard Danzig fan and admirers of this truly underrated guitarist.You can listen to the full episode on Anchor FM via the embed below, or click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.

And click here to listen to us discuss Danzig’s 30th anniversary on our recent episode listing the best albums of ’88.


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