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Episode 15: Mac and Me (SMELLS LIKE CINEMATIC SADNESS)-SLIS Podcast: a look back at a truly awful 80’s flick.

The infamously horrible ‘E.T.’ knockoff ‘Mac and Me’ turned 30 last month. Co-host Damon Shell and I look back on the 1988 film that featured a dance scene in a McDonald’s, a kid flying off a cliff in a wheelchair, and an alien that was more creepy and annoying than cute. Ah, the 80’s.

Sure, you may be familiar with this cinematic tragedy ever since Paul Rudd brought an unforgettable clip on many appearances on Conan O’Brien, but we were exposed to this monstrosity way before the hipsters goofed on it (yes, we’re bitter Gen-X dudes who want to let you know we were into it before you were).

But if you haven’t ever seen ‘Mac and Me,’ or were curious about how/why it got made, and what went horribly wrong, we have some fun factoids and recollections that shall amuse and confound you.

‘Mac and Me,’ is the first in our “All The Small Things” series featuring tiny creatures meant to terrify or charm, but just wind up being irritating as hell. Join us, won’t you? You can listen via the Anchor FM embed below, or click here to listen on Apple Podcasts. And if you missed last week’s episode, you can check it out here.

And if you’re really brave (or a masochist), we highly recommend Shout Factory’s 30th anniversary special edition Blu-ray on Amazon:

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