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Episode 11: Jay Aston Talks Jay Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebel 2018 North American Tour-SLIS Podcast

Episode 11: Jay Aston Talks Gene Loves Jezebel 2018 North American Tour-SLIS Podcast: frontman discusses the group’s first North American tour in 2018, thoughts on their 2017 release ‘Dance Underwater’, and more.

Gene Loves Jezebel were one of the most unique and infectious alternative acts of the 1980’s, forging a unique mix of glam and goth resulting in memorable hits like ‘The Motion of Love,’ ‘Desire,’ ‘Jealous,’ ‘Stephen,’ and ‘Twenty Killer Hurts’.

Click here for my 2018 podcast interview with GLJ guitarist James Stevenson. 

The group fronted by Jay Aston (known in America as Jay Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebel for legal reasons–his twin brother and original co-founding member Michael Aston has his own band under the GLJ moniker in North America, but tours as Michael Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebel in Europe) are getting ready for their first North American tour in almost 10 years.

Click here for my 2017 interview with Jay Aston 

On this week’s episode I speak to Jay about why it’s taken so long for the group to play the U.S., his thoughts on last year’s well-received release ‘Dance Underwater’, what fans can expect as far as setlists, the 25th anniversary of their underrated album ‘Heavenly Bodies’ and more.

Click here for my Dance Underwater review 

You can listen to this week’s episode via the Anchor and Stitcher embeds below, or click here to listen on Apple podcasts.

Buy Dance Underwater on Amazon:

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