Check out our list of the Most Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Moments in all their awkward and offensive glory.
In 1954, Psychiatrist Fredric Wertham waged a one man crusade against comic books. His book Seduction Of The Innocent claimed they were a corrupting influence on children. He single-handedly crippled the entire industry.
He claimed that Batman and Robin were gay, Superman was a fascist and Wonder Woman was into bondage. Parents destroyed their kid’s comics in panic (that’s why old ones are rare and expensive) and comic companies adapted self-censorship tactics to stay afloat (i.e., Batman got a girlfriend)!
So were any of his accusations true? Wonder Woman creator Psychologist William Marston was an avowed bondage enthusiast (fun fact; he created the polygraph. No joke!). Beyond that? It’s all conjecture and hearsay.
It’s all a bit silly, and reeks of sexual repression, sexism and lack of diversity. Thankfully we can look at moments like this and realize how far we have come as a country in terms of tolerance (even if we still have a long ways to go). It certainly offers perspective.
But, through dated language, and stories taken out of context, there’s some very weird and hilarious stuff in old comic books. It’s to these unintentionally funny and awkward moments I’ve dedicated this post. So look in wonder, horror and amusement at these crazy comic book covers and interior panels!
So without further ado, let’s begin;
24. Green Lantern’s secret power.
Well at least Green Lantern wont be appearing in a low testosterone commercial.
Click here and read why Green Lantern is one of the worst comic book movies ever made!
23. Hulk’s purple pants got an extra hole.
I’m not sure if fighting is the right term? Although you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry, so let him finish.
22. Archie’s Handy Strategy…
Interesting strategy Archie! Whatever works I guess.
21. DC and Marvel’s first cross-over gets real weird.
Don’t you want to read the rest of this story? WTF?
20. Dr. Doom, the first super villain to get his own cooking show.
Luke Cage was one of Marvel Comics first steps for more diversity in their characters. And with all first steps, it was wobbly at times. Gaze in bewilderment.
19. Lois Lane is the butt of a joke.
This panel begs so many questions. All of them disturbing. Moving on…
Click here to read why the world still needs Superman.
18. Spider-Man is really into his job.
Okay, perhaps it’s just a poor choice of words? But wait…
17. Spider-hole
I’ve read comics all my life. I’ve never seen a punch like this before. Good God.
16. With great power comes…YUCK.
Okay, before your mind goes in the gutter, this is just Spider-Man’s web-fluid; Peter Parker makes it by hand for his web-shooters. Wait! I mean he uses a scientific process! Agh! Poor Aunt May has been through enough hasn’t she?
15. Aquaman’s writers shoot blanks.
No wonder Aquaman gets no respect. With supporting characters like these…
Click here for my list of Lamest Comic Book Characters.
14. Metropolis Burning.
Superman on the wrong side of history?! I expect better of you Kal-El. You’re supposed to be the best of us!
13. Sexism is in the eyelashes of the beholder.
Remember what I said about Wonder Woman and bondage? I find this imagery kinda disturbing, don’t you?
12. Always the military man, Captain America obeys orders dutifully!
11. Queer Eye For The Cape Guy.
Wowzers. Is he still working for the Daily Planet or has he moved on to Fox News? Oh wait, this was when he was a teen in Smallville, so probably just a part-time job at Chick-fil-a! Beware the dangers of repression!
10. Boner Begins.
Okay; in the 40’s boner simply meant error. Regardless, this is incredible. But it gets better;
9. Have you ever danced with a boner in the pale moon light?
I think the Joker needs some tips from Green Lantern. But wait, there’s more…
8. Some men just want to watch the world burn. And some just like to keep saying boner.
That last sentence doesn’t make sense in any context, but hey, the Joker is insane. Cut him some slack.
Click here for my list of the 12 Best Comic Book Movies Ever Made.
7. Robin lets it all hang out.
Holy indecent exposure Batman!
6. They’re spending too much time in that Bat-Cave.
Somebody call Child Protective Services.
5. You wanna get nuts!? Let’s get nuts!
Okay never mind. He likes the ladies after all! Apparently Papa Spank was an innocent phrase back in the 40’s. But it doesn’t look that way does it?
Read why Batman is The Best Superhero Ever.
4. So this is why The Justice League Movie can’t get made?
Okay, I’m speechless.
Click here for my Justice League Fantasy Cast.
3. The Dark Knight Rises. Man of Steel. The Boy Wonder. Do I need a punch line?
I’m not going to touch this one with a 20 foot cannon. Er, I meant 10 foot pole.
2. The name’s Supergirl, not Golden Girl!
It’s bad enough that Supergirl lives in her cousin’s shadow, but this is just awful and should piss on all her fans. Sorry I meant off!
1. Is that an issue of Giant-Size Man-Thing in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
No wonder people are fleeing in fear. You know what they say about Man-Thing’s with big noses.
So that wraps up my list of the 24 most unintentionally awkward comic book moments. I need to give credit where I found much of this hilarious material, so check out YesButNoButYes and ComicVine for more mind-blowing comic book weirdness.
Oh and to make all you pervs feel guilty for laughing at all of this, here’s a Pope comic! When I was a kid my grandma would bring me free comics since she worked at a book store. I ate it all up. But this was a real buzz kill. Zzzz.
For more so bad its good stuff, check out my lists of Best Worst Movies, Weirdest Kid Shows, Worst Band Names and Best MST3K Episodes.
And do you have any awkward comic book covers or panel art that makes you crack up? Share it below.
Thanks! This was a fun one to do 🙂